Consumer Resources

In addition to supporting the businesses that make up the satellite industry here in the United States, the SBCA's mission is to provide concerned satellite customers, state legislators and taxpayers with information that allows them to form their own opinions about the latest issues related to satellite in their state and respond accordingly.

If you're a satellite customer or legislator looking for more information about the issues currently facing satellite service in your state, please visit our sister site:

Here are some of the satellite issues that the SBCA is currently dealing with...

OTARD: Rules for mounting a satellite dish

Landlords and neighborhood associations may object to a tenant's or homeowner's use of a satellite dish to obtain satellite content and will unfairly pressure their tenants and homeowners to discontinue using the satellite dish forcing them to abandon satellite as a source for entertainment and news.

Satellite Broadband

Today's satellites can provide high speed internet anywhere in the country - no matter how remote. In fact, satellite broadband is currently enjoyed by over 1.7 million customers throughout the US. With no new infrastructure requirements, subscribers can enjoy fast, secure and reliable high speed internet access at an extremely competitively price.

Disaster Recovery

Satellite technology is an ideal platform for natural disaster emergencies in that it can be quickly deployed and moved to meet the needs of the responders. The satellite industries' extensive network of retailers and installers have also volunteered their time and expertise to help their local community recover from these tragedies.

Unfair Satellite Tax

New taxes imposed only on satellite TV tilt the playing field in favor of cable companies and stifle competition in the pay TV market. Communities are allowed to assess a franchising fee on cable companies for the use of public rights of way & roads to run their cable. Cable companies want the same rent to be levied on satellite providers, but it's an argument that doesn't hold any merit.

Become a Member of the SBCA

As a member of the only trade association dedicated to the growth of the Consumer Satellite Industry, you'll have access to specialized training courses, benefit from consumer advocacy programs, stay up to date on various issues and help to grow the satellite industry here in the United States. Sign up today!